The Masonic Development Course is comprised of Three courses, accounting for each Degree of Masonry.  It is designed to help boost BOTH new Masons and refresh the Seasoned Masons knowledge and understanding of the Masonic Degrees.  Courses are available based on your most current degree received.  (Master Masons will be enrolled in all three classes.)  Highest degree received is validated through the MRI/Groupable member management system. 

We recommend re-visiting these courses to improve your proficiency and strengthen your knowledge as a Brother and a Mentor to new Masons.

Masonic Development Course (Register Here)

This is where you register to take the Masonic Development Course series.  You will be required to supply the COURSE KEY provided to you by your DISTRICTS STAFF OFFICER.   Once you have successfully registered here,  you will be required to read a brief introduction to Hiram and take a sample quiz.  The introductory information contained here will help you navigate the system,  view your progress and completion as well as review any quizzes you have taken.   

Please complete the reading and sample quiz as  soon after becoming registered so that your instructor can begin the class for ALL participants as soon as possible. 

We hope you enjoy using Hiram! 

MDC Pre Initiation (all sections)

Class for pre-degree candidates

MDC Entered Apprentice

The material for the Entered Apprentice Masonic Development Course

MDC - Fellowcraft

Masonic Development Course Fellowcraft Degree

MDC - Master Mason

The Master Mason portion of the Masonic Development Course